‘Heart–rending, authentic and utterly compelling, this was repertory theatre at its very best’

Comin up next
Comin up next
All My Sons
By Arthur Miller
Directed by David Green
7 – 16 May 2025
Open Space Theatre Company
Open Space Theatre, based in East Anglia, offers fresh ideas and quality drama in presenting a wide range of performance from classical and well-known contemporary drama to issue-based plays by new writers.
'Credit is due to director David Green and his talented cast for presenting such a moving portrait of a family on the edge of misfortune.'
– David Vass on Dancing at Lughnasa
‘A production by David Green that is masterful, moving and memorable’
– East Anglian Daily Times on Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf

'Gripping from beginning to end, this is not only Open Space’s finest production to date, it must rate as one of the best productions at the Corn Hall for a very long time.'
-Diss Express on Who’s Afriad of Virginia Wolf
'David Green’s direction tackled this dichotomy head on in a handsomely dressed production with some fine ensemble work'
-East Anglina Daily Times on Uncle Vanya